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  • How do I use the click and blow product?
    Check out our 'how is works' page to see more information but here is a little tutorial... Using the plastic inserter tool attached to the back of the ClicknBlow packet to pick up one of the capsules. Poke a hole into your filter and insert a ClicknBlow ball! Click the ball between your fingers and enjoy the blissful flavour!
  • How many different flavours do you have?
    Loads! If you are a retail owner, and interested in stocking our ClicknBlow items then please visit our Contact page to get in touch with us to request a full list of ClicknBlow flavours.
  • Do you sell to individual consumers?
    Sadly no, ClicknBlow Products are Exclusively Business to Business Trade Only. However, if you are an individual customer, we will be selling on eBay and Amazon soon, so watch this space!
  • What if I lose the dispenser?
    The ClicknBlow ball capsule is very easy to insert with or without the dispenser.
  • Do you need a specific type filter?
    The ClicknBlow can be used in any size filter.
  • Are ClicknBlow balls safe?
    Yes of course, although not for consumption, our balls are food grade items. Whilst ClicknBlow do not recommend smoking of any form as it is bad for your health, our balls are made from natural flavouring and even prevent less tar entering your lungs due to the ball blocking this in the filter.
  • What are the ingredients?
    Our ClicknBlow balls are made of 100% natural food grade ingredients: Aroma, plant gelatin, water, sorbitol, sucralose, glycerol, colourant.
  • Are ClicknBlow balls Vegan friendly?
    Yes our Clicknblow balls are free of animal products and completely Vegan.
  • Do ClicknBlow balls have any health benefits?
    Yes they do! When ClicknBlow balls are clicked in the cigarette filter, the flavoured essence acts as a barrier preventing some of the tar being inhaled, acting just like an oil coating in the filter which the tar sticks too. It can also prevent bad breath, a double bonus!
  • Is there any allergy warnings with ClicknBlow products?
    We are happy to announce that no warnings or allergies have been noted in the reports from independent safety certification boards
  • Menthol Products were recently banned, are ClicknBlow products legal?
    ClicknBlow products are completely legal. As you may have noticed big brands have created sleeves you place inside the boxes which we think are a poor substitute and we believe that you deserve only the best flavour, so we’ve bought back click cigarettes to create the perfect premium, menthol flavour as well as many other flavour options you crave.
  • Is there a market for ClicknBlow products?
    Yes there is! In 2020, Euromonitor analysis estimated the whole European menthol market to be worth around a whooping EU€9.7 billion (US$11 billion, nearly UK£8.5 billion). The International Tobacco Control (ITC) survey in 2016 (n=10,000 adult smokers, in 8 European countries) found that the countries with the highest menthol use were England (over 12% of smokers) and Poland (10%); The ITC figures are supported by 2018 Euromonitor data, which show that the combined market share of menthol and capsules was generally higher in northern European countries, with the highest in Poland, at over 25%, followed by the UK, at over 20%. The relative shares of menthol flavoured cigarettes versus those with capsules (menthol and other flavours) also varied; while the market share for capsules exceeded the share for menthol flavoured tobacco in half of EU countries, Menthol and capsule market share has tended to be higher for European countries outside the EU. Menthol cigarettes form a massive, estimated 21% of the UK market. 2018 figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicate that there were 7.2 million smokers in the UK; based on the 2016 ITC survey data that would equate to nearly 900,000 smokers who usually smoke menthol cigarettes. According to market research data the figure was much higher in 2018, nearly 1.3 million, although this would include those who smoke other types of cigarette (e.g. standard non-flavoured) as well as menthol. Mass distribution and marketing of menthol did not start until the 1960s although a US patent for menthol flavouring was granted in the 1920s. In 2007, a new innovation for adding flavour to cigarettes appeared on the Japanese market in which flavour is added by inserting a small plastic capsule in the filter. These flavour capsules have grown popular due to the novelty of smoking a cigarette with flavour, particularly menthol, especially in markets such as the UK. Today these capsules have been refined, in both flavour and style. That's why we think our ClicknBlow capsules are a great addition in any shop, stall or online marketplace.
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